速報APP / 生產應用 / Disk Clean Pro

Disk Clean Pro



檔案大小:1.9 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.6 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Disk Clean Pro(圖1)-速報App

**************************************Disk Clean Pro**************************************

*****************************Remove hidden clutter from your Mac*******************************

Disk Clean Pro helps you remove junk from your Mac. 

It cleans your Mac safely and securely without risking your important data.

With 4 special tools to clean junk, Disk Clean Pro allows you to store more data by freeing-up storage space!

One-Click Cleaning – Just a single click for complete Junk and un-needed data cleanup

Disk Clean Pro(圖2)-速報App

Junk Cleaner – Clean redundant files and data.

Logs Cleaner – Remove unnecessary log files

Crash Reports – Cleans unneeded reports to recover storage space

Partial Downloads – Remove incomplete downloaded files

Disk Clean Pro is having some useful tools that can be used to optimize the storage space and make the most of the precious disk drive.

Duplicate Finder - Removing duplicate makes file indexing, search and access faster

Disk Clean Pro(圖3)-速報App

Old & Unused Files – Removal of redundant data frees up storage on your Mac

Large Files – Identifies files that impact usage of disk space the most

Old Downloads – Newer versions can be downloaded again when needed

There are 2 more great tools which are there in Disk Clean Pro.

Internet Privacy Protector – Remove traces of internet browsing history

Disk Clean Pro(圖4)-速報App

Misc. Cleaning – Cleans files from trash, old backups and mail downloads

Disk Clean Pro(圖5)-速報App